Choose a reliable Russian VPN

Choose a reliable Russian VPN

Today, Russian citizens can be found in various countries of our planet. Some went abroad, changing their place of residence for an indefinite period of time. Others are constantly on business trips outside the country. Third — avid travelers who can not sit at home. It would seem that what is common in all these categories of Russians? Along with the fact that all of them are territorially located outside the Russian Federation, they also faced one of the rather serious problems in gaining access to certain Internet resources. The fact is that most of the Russian services, including government, banking, have closed their access to foreign IP-addresses. That is, it turns out that outside the Russian Federation the site you need may simply not open, or it may work with a number of restrictions that will not particularly suit you.

Is there a way to bypass this limitation? Yes, I have. To do this, you need to set up work through the Russian VPN – a server that provides IP addresses with RF geolocation. If you have not delved deeply into the essence of the technology yet, we suggest reading what is VPN.

Now let's dwell in more detail on what offers exist in this market segment today. Let's get acquainted with Russian VPN services. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of free options. Let's suggest one of the most stable, reliable and easy-to-use solutions for today.

Russian VPN: most popular extensions

We have prepared for you a selection of extensions that set up work through IP addresses tied to the geolocation of the Russian Federation:

  1. Urban VPN
  3. VPN Reverse
  4. Touch VPN

All of these resources will be free to use.

Urban VPN

This is a free Russian VPN designed to work with platforms Android, iOS. It has unlimited bandwidth. The developer claims that this service is endowed with tools to protect against DNS leaks and will provide significant assistance in bypassing geolocation-related blocking.

The developer is headquartered in the United States. You should understand that the legislation of this country requires the mandatory recording of important personal information about users in order to provide it at the first request of the government. Relevant data is provided in Urban VPN's privacy policy. It is indicated here that the service will save information about the approximate location of the user, as well as which pages he viewed, etc. Also, your personal information may be transferred to other third parties, including providers of certain services, advertising campaigns, etc. .

It positions itself as a simple Russian VPN service, using which you can access any social networks, be it Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, use Yandex, mail ru, Kinopoisk and other services from the Russian Federation. This extension is compatible with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. Has a bandwidth of up to 100 Mbps.

But, again, there is a high risk of interception of the Internet connection. And this means that it is clearly not worth going to Internet banking, to a personal page on government services websites, to pay for purchases in an online store through this Russian VPN. Even more suspicious is the fact that the developers have not disclosed data about the protocols and encryption that are the basis of this product. Yes, this service allows you to create your own list of sites, upon entering which the virtual private network will automatically connect to work. But this, alas, is only one significant advantage.

What can I say here if the privacy policy already states that this service will collect user information and transfer it to Google Analytics, ostensibly for subsequent improvements in the extension. At the same time, it is not said what kind of user data will be publicly available and to whom they will actually be transferred.

VPN Reverse

This service can be called the youngest in our selection. It was created by a programmer who left Russia himself. He created a product tailored in detail for use by citizens of the Russian Federation who want to access the relevant Russian sites while being abroad. This Russian VPN works through the application OpenVPN and is available for users with devices running on the operating system Windows, Linux, macOS, Android iOS. It provides a connection speed of 1 Mbps. Today, the number of regional servers in Russia — 11. For traffic encryption, the AES-128 standard is used here. Despite the fact that it is already quite outdated, it still provides a good level of reliability.

This Russian VPN stands out in front of its analogues also due to its rather non-standard launch. Here you can’t just download the application and change your location by clicking on the button. Initially, you send a request to the official website of the developer, then you are provided with a key and detailed instructions for setting up the service.

According to the creator, a VPN, on the contrary, will allow you to make money transfers quite safely, use the necessary resources, including those that provide government services. In theory, there should be no advertising here, because it exists only thanks to donations, as well as funds received from paid tariffs. And here we come to one significant BUT: free Russian VPN will not allow you to watch movies, download videos: its functionality is limited solely to bypassing blocking.

Touch VPN

Like the previous option, it is provided to users in a free and paid plan. In free, the speed is limited to 5 Mb / s per day. In principle, such traffic will be quite enough for you to pay for utilities, but no more. Designed to work with Windows, Android, MacOS, iOS operating systems and browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge. A distinctive feature of this Russian VPN — direct activation on the site, which eliminates the need for its installation.

Unfortunately, the developer does not provide any information about the protocols or encryption that he uses in this extension. Even the support service does not provide this information, referring to it as confidential. But at the same time, it is indicated that the service has the right to store personal user data for the period that they are active users. As soon as the account is deleted, they promise to delete all data after a certain period of time. What exactly does this site collect? Surely this is information about cookies, visited pages, queries entered, etc.

Dangers of Free Russian VPN

No specialist will recommend using a free Russian VPN on an ongoing basis. You must understand that the developers of these services must receive some kind of profit. It turns out that if they do not take money from users, then another source of income is needed. The most explicit — launch ads. That is why users of free Russian VPNs will have to constantly watch annoying commercials such banners. Otherwise, the service simply will not be able to function.

Another issue that users of public — collection of information. The absence of forced advertising in certain browser tabs should seriously alert you. Most likely, the system will collect information about the sites that you visited, as well as additional information and transfer it for money to advertisers or other third parties.

You should also understand that free Russian VPNs store the real IP address of the user on their servers, which allows you to identify the owner in the future. And if this information falls into the hands of hackers, they can easily gain access to your device. And these are additional risks of losing important data, including banking data, infection of devices with malware. But it must also be taken into account that free resources allocate very little money to ensure security and privacy, and often do not allocate at all. What kind of reliability, stability and protection can we talk about then?

We have already said that a number of free Russian VPNs are geographically located in countries where, at the legislative level, service providers are required to keep logs of customer activity. This includes the United States, many European countries, Hong Kong, etc. This means that such resources completely control the Internet traffic of their customers. They will store the following information:

  • list of Internet resources visited by the user;
  • real IP-address and geolocation of your device;
  • device identifier;
  • duration of viewing of certain sites, etc.

What is all this information for? This is a warning about serious dangers when using a free Russian VPN. In no case should they be used when working with confidential data, bank details and other important documentation. In addition, their functionality is very limited and will not allow you to use the Internet as comfortably as possible.

So which Russian VPN should I choose?

Don't want to take risks? Do you want to ensure the most stable and functional work with any Internet resources? Then your choice — private VPN from Private VPN service. With it, you will be able to send passport data to work with banking programs without any fear. No hacker will break your connection, and your personal information will not be made public. But at the same time, you will get stable access to Russian sites, including social networks, while abroad.

Take advantage of the offers of the service and see for yourself how convenient and functional your work on the network can be. Do you have any questions? Take a look at FAQ or contact our 24/7 technical support for advice.

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