VLAN and VPN: same goal, different means

VLAN and VPN: same goal, different means

Awareness of the differences between VLANs and VPNs is key to creating secure networks that not only provide security, but also meet the efficiency and scalability needs of modern organizations.

VPN and VLAN: definitions, similarities and differences

A VLAN is a virtual network that connects devices or departments from different local area networks (LANs). This means that several separate LAN networks are combined into one logical network, although they are physically separate. To understand VLANs, it is important to know what a broadcast domain is.

Broadcast domain — this is the area where all devices receive the same information at the same time. The size of a broadcast domain depends on the amount of network traffic: the more traffic, the larger the domain size. This traffic can become a problem for switches due to lost bandwidth and unmanaged traffic.

VLAN is used to reduce network traffic or broadcast domain size. This network is a group of devices or departments located in one or more local areas. They communicate with each other through data links because they are physically located in the same broadcast domain area. VLAN operates as an independent local network and is identified by a unique numeric a value called the VLAN ID.

In addition, VLAN allows you to divide one physical LAN into several logical LANs. For example, the engineering and finance departments in a company may have their own logical VLANs even though they are physically on the same LAN, making the system easier to manage.

Thus, VLAN is used to logically combine devices from different networks, while VPN provides secure and private connection on public networks such as the Internet.

What are the similarities between VPN and VLAN?

There are several similarities between VLAN and VPN:

  • Network scalability: Both VLAN and VPN allow institutions and companies to efficiently maintain their networks.
  • Improved privacy and security. Both VPN and VLAN are used to encrypt network traffic and improve overall network security.
  • Using IP addresses to route traffic. Both technologies use IP-addresses for routing data on the network.
  • Creation of independent virtual networks. At the physical network level, both VPNs and VLANs create independent virtual networks.
  • Cost savings. Both VPNs and VLANs help institutions and companies save money by reducing the need for physical network components.

What are the differences between VLAN and VPN?

The differences between VLAN and VPN are in the following aspects:

  • Purposes of creation. VLAN helps in connecting remote devices or departments that are separated by distance. VPN - in connection authorized users.
  • Connection ports. A VLAN groups devices on a network based on physical switch ports. A remote access VPN allows users to connect to a network from remote locations via the Internet. Site-to-site VPN creates a secure connection between two different network resources over the Internet.
  • Protocols. VLAN protocols allow you to group devices based on specific protocols. VPN uses encryption to create a secure network that is not tied to specific protocols.
  • Hierarchical structure. VLAN is a subset of VPN, which means that VLANs can be included within larger VPN networks. VPN is a superset of VLAN, incorporating various technologies, including VLAN, to create secure networks.
  • Definition. VLAN is used to combine devices into one broadcast domain for more efficient network management. A VPN is used to transmit secure data over public networks using encryption.
  • Tunnels/channels. VLAN does not use tunnels or channels to transmit data. VPN uses virtual tunnels to create a secure connection between devices or networks.
  • Safety. VLANs are less secure than VPNs due to the lack of encryption and data protection at the network level. VPNs are more secure because they use encryption to protect transmitted information.
  • Price. VLANs are usually a cheaper option compared to VPNs, as they do not require additional costs for encryption and setting up virtual tunnels. VPNs are usually expensive due to the need to use encryption and set up secure connections.

Both VLANs and VPNs are chosen to ensure security and privacy for users. VLANs are primarily used to logically separate or distance geographical networks without physically separating them using switches. A VPN, on the other hand, is used to create a secure and encrypted connection between two points or to transfer data securely. VLAN is a subset of VPN, and VPN is a means of creating a secure network for data transfer.

Private VPN server: a typical node of a secure network

Private VPN server is an effective element of a secure VPN network of any scale and purpose.

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