What is a SOCKS5 proxy?

What is a SOCKS5 proxy?

Basic information about SOCKS5 proxy

SOCKS (SOCKet Secure) – a network protocol that allows a user to communicate with a server while behind a firewall. Today this is the most progressive and advanced solution in the field of information transmission. Such proxies do not add anything to client data. That is, the target server will receive the packet in exactly the same form in which it was sent. But at the same time, the user is guaranteed reliable protection from any external network attacks. This is especially true when the information transfer scheme involves several firewalls that protect data on each network segment (including the router).

The number 5 in the name of the protocol – This is version 5 of the product. Compared to the previous generation SOCKS 4, it received UDP support. Such proxies strictly control authentication using universal schemes. This provides support for domains and IPv6 addresses, and, as a result, expansion of addressing methods.

Among the features of the SOCKS5 proxy we highlight:

  1. no modernization of HTTP headers: data is transmitted in its pure form;
  2. absolute anonymity of the connection: information about the user is securely classified;
  3. the site’s inability to determine the fact that the user used a proxy to access: a completely transparent connection;
  4. support for any other protocols, including HTTP, FTP;
  5. the site does not display the real IP of your PC, but the technical data of proxies.

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