What is an HTTP proxy?

What is an HTTP proxy?

Basic information about HTTP proxy

HTTP – it is not a separate protocol, but a more secure version of classic HTTP. "S" added to the name – This is short for “Secure”, which translated from English sounds like “protected”. In the case of such a connection, data between the user and the server, both forward and backward, is transmitted over the cryptographic protocols TLS and SSL. This minimizes susceptibility to sniffer and man-in-the-middle attacks.

In practice, HTTP protocols are used when the task is to transmit secret, important information: access logins and passwords, bank details, etc. If such data goes through a regular HTTP channel, then the probability of its interception will be quite high. And not only attackers can hunt for them, but also some, not particularly conscientious providers. Those who intercept their own clients on the Internet, logging potentially interesting information.

Thanks to the HTTP protocol, all information will be encrypted using a special algorithm automatically. And in the same way it will be automatically decrypted by the final recipient. The responsibilities of encryption and decryption are not undertaken by the proxy server, but by the browser on the one hand and the target server – with another. The process of data transfer itself – passive. That is, the information is not subject to any processing. This feature provides the ability to use HTTP when working with any TCP protocols: IMAP, NNTP, POP3, SMTP.

The main task assigned to the HTTP proxy is – ensuring the correct organization of stable and high-quality operation of browsers built on TCP protocols. They have found widespread use on the Internet. Here the client sends a request to the server, which processes it and sends a response. This is the “question-answer” principle: if you don’t send a question, you won’t receive an answer. But you can insert one more link into the user-server chain – mobile proxies, which will act as an intermediary.

Among the key features of the HTTP protocol it is worth highlighting:

  1. ensuring caching of downloaded data: guarantees a noticeable increase in connection speed;
  2. the ability to exchange binary data, as well as create a separate TCP session for one request: minimizes the likelihood of data loss;
  3. filtering information, setting access restrictions to a certain category of sites;
  4. presence of limits on connection speed, traffic control, log entry.

HTTP between each other – proxies differ in their degree of anonymity. They can be transparent, anonymous and elite. Thus, transparent HTTPs include the user’s real IP address in the headers during data transfer, which greatly affects both anonymity and operational security. The anonymous HTTP protocol hides the real address of the user's PC, replacing it with its own technical data. But the "recipient" will see that proxies are connected to the work, which also somewhat reduces the confidentiality of online actions. The most reliable option – elite HTTP. Not only do they not display the IP address of the user device, but they also hide the fact that a proxy is being used. In this case, the anonymity of the work will be guaranteed.

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