VPN tunnel separation strategy: why is it useful and how does it work?

VPN tunnel separation strategy: how is it useful and how does it function?

In the modern world remote work is becoming more and more common , and it is important to configure your networks correctly to maintain performance and security. One effective solution is the VPN tunnel splitting strategy, which is aimed at increasing the availability and performance of key cloud services, such as Microsoft 365. Let's look at why you should use VPN tunnel splitting and how it works.

Why should you use VPN tunnel separation?

Separating VPN tunnels brings many benefits, especially for organizations with remote workers. The main advantages of this technology include:

  • Reducing the load on the VPN infrastructure. When traffic from Microsoft 365 or another similar service is routed directly, it reduces the load on VPN servers and network perimeters, freeing up resources for other tasks.
  • Improved performance. Direct connection to Microsoft cloud services reduces latency and improves quality of service, which is especially important for services such as Teams, SharePoint and Exchange Online.
  • Flexibility and scalability. Separating VPN tunnels provides better scalability as the number of remote workers grows, allowing you to quickly adapt to changes in the work environment.
  • Increased security. Traffic to key cloud services is encrypted and protected, which helps maintain the security of data when transmitted directly to the Internet.

The separation of VPN tunnels is relevant and useful for various organizations and situations:

  • Companies with a large number of remote employees. Organizations that have a significant number of employees working remotely especially benefit from this strategy, as it reduces the load on the central VPN infrastructure.
  • Businesses that actively use cloud services. Companies that make extensive use of cloud applications such as Microsoft 365 may see significant improvements in performance and reduced latency.
  • IT-departments seeking to optimize resources. Separating VPN tunnels allows such departments to more efficiently manage network resources and reduce the need for constant expansion of VPN infrastructure.
  • Organizations with high security requirements. Despite the increased performance, tunnel separation VPN also maintains a high level of security, which is especially important for organizations working with confidential data.

How does VPN tunnel separation work?

VPN tunnel separation means that part of the traffic passes through an encrypted VPN tunnel, and the rest of the traffic is sent directly to the Internet. In the context of Microsoft 365, this means:

  • Key traffic: Traffic associated with core Microsoft 365 services (Teams, SharePoint, Exchange Online) is routed directly to Microsoft endpoints.
  • The rest of the traffic: Internet traffic and traffic to internal corporate resources is routed through VPN.

This approach allows you to maintain the required level of security and control over connections, while ensuring more efficient operation of key cloud services.

Setting up VPN tunnel separation using Microsoft 365 as an example

To configure VPN tunnel separation for Microsoft 365, follow these steps:

  • Identify and exclude IP address ranges used by Microsoft 365 from VPN routing.
  • Configure VPN clients to route these ranges directly to the Internet.
  • Test to make sure routing is correct and there are no problems accessing Microsoft 365.

Are there security risks when separating tunnels?

Although separating VPN tunnels improves performance, there are important security aspects to consider:

  • Traffic encryption. Traffic to Microsoft 365 endpoints is encrypted and protected using modern security standards, ensuring it is protected from potential threats.
  • Access control. Restricting access by IP address and using additional security mechanisms such as multi-factor authentication help ensure secure connections.

A VPN tunnel splitting strategy is an effective way to improve the performance and availability of key cloud services for remote workers. When configured correctly, this strategy not only relieves the VPN infrastructure, but also provides a high level of security and control over connections. Organizations looking to improve the performance and scalability of their networks should consider implementing VPN tunnel separation for their key services.

Private VPN server: an active participant in modern optimizations

Private VPN server can also participate in the separation of VPN tunnels. It can be configured to control traffic so that certain data is routed through the VPN connection, while other traffic goes directly through the Internet. A private VPN server can effectively manage traffic, improving performance and security for key services, such as Microsoft 365.

It is profitable to buy a private VPN server on Private VPN server. This resource also provides up-to-date information about tariffs and server rental periods, payment methods, countries where servers are located, answers to frequently asked questions and a lot of other useful information about VPN.

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