Vulnerabilities of remote workplaces: how to prevent

Vulnerabilities of remote desktops: how to prevent

In an office environment, internal IT teams typically manage network security and the devices used to access that network. Physical security controls access to the office and internal infrastructure.

However, with the rise of cloud technology, distributed workspaces are becoming more commonplace. The cloud is accessible via the Internet, allowing you to work from anywhere. "Work from home" is becoming increasingly interesting even for companies that have not moved to the cloud. Many allow employees to remotely access desktops via the Internet or VPN.

Remote workplaces: vulnerabilities and ways to eliminate them

Remote work increases the efficiency and flexibility of companies, but also creates challenges in the field of data protection. Among the main problems:

  • Employee devices may be vulnerable. IT cannot support laptops and PCs used by remote workers, which are often their personal devices.
  • Data access is based on authentication, which attackers can spoof using various methods to attack accounts.
  • Data transmission over unsecured networks increases the risk of interception, especially when using vulnerable or unprotected WiFi networks.

What security measures can address these challenges associated with remote work? Various combinations of:

  • Identity and access management (IAM) technologies reduce cyber risks and ensure the security of remote teams, while protecting the confidential data of the company and its employees.
  • Secure web gateways that play a key role in this process. They sit between employees and the insecure Internet, filtering out malicious content and preventing data leaks. For example, they can block access to unencrypted websites or monitor user behavior. These web gateways protect both office workers and those who work remotely. Secure web gateway technologies include DNS or URL filtering to block malicious websites, antivirus protection to prevent attacks on endpoints and data leakage prevention systems.
  • Access control systems, which also play an important role. These systems monitor and manage user access to resources, preventing data leakage. Implementing such systems ensures that employees only have necessary access to company systems and that unauthorized persons cannot access data. One way to simplify access control is single sign-on (SSO). It allows employees to log into all applications from a single login screen, making password compliance and access management easier.
  • Multiple authentication (MFA), which plays a key role in ensuring the security of remote work. It requires additional authentication beyond a password, making attacks much less likely. For example, in addition to a password, a code from an electronic key may be required to log into the system, which greatly complicates the task for attackers.

Effective solution: a combination of cloud technologies and zero trust

Combining the concept of zero trust and a cloud security service, you can organize an effective, reliable and flexible system of protection against threats on the Internet for remote devices and users on the organization’s network. Such protection will filter web traffic, blocking access to malicious or unwanted sites, and protect against attacks related to the web resource by applying remote isolation of that resource. Such a service will allow companies to ensure the security of their networks and data, even when employees work remotely or use public networks. It is also important that such protection is designed in a way that provides security features without sacrificing performance.

Private VPN server: a working version of home office protection

Using a private VPN server is an effective way to ensure the security of remote workstations, protecting user data and privacy when working with corporate resources via the Internet.

Detailed information about the functionality and capabilities of a private VPN server is available on Private VPN server here you can also rent or buy a private VPN-server. Use this information to make informed decisions and improve the quality of your online life at work or play.

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