Biometric authentication: what it is, how it works and where it is used

Biometric authentication: what is it, how does it work and where is it used

Biometric identification, in simple terms, is a state-of-the-art technology that is used to confirm identity and access meaningful data based on a person’s unique physiological characteristics. To avoid remembering passwords or not to carry keys and documents with you, everything is based on who you are.

Features of biometric identification

The process of biometric identification uses personal biological and behavioral characteristics that cannot be faked. Some examples of such features are a fingerprint, iris pattern, voice, or gait biomechanics.

Here's how it works: the system scans and analyzes your biological and behavioral data, and then matches it with stored samples. This is done using sensors, signal processing units and algorithms that form a biometric template. This template is stored in the database and is used for verification during subsequent authentication attempts.

The biometric authentication process can be divided into two stages:

  • Registration. At the registration stage, the system records your biometric data and creates a template that is saved in the database.
  • Direct authentication. When authenticating, you present your biometric data again, and the system compares it with already saved templates.

Biometric systems use complex algorithms to match data, making them extremely reliable. For example, to compare a fingerprint, the system looks for matches among all stored records and produces a result based on the degree of similarity. The higher the compliance threshold, the less chance there is of error or fraud.

To improve accuracy, multimodal biometrics are often used, where several biometric features are combined, for example, walking style and iris. This combination enhances protection and its resistance to hacking.

Use options for biometric identification

Biometric identification is gaining popularity in various industries to verify identity and control access to important resources:

  • Managing access to smartphone. Since 2013, smartphones have used biometrics such as fingerprints and facial recognition to unlock devices and sign into apps.
  • Security of financial services. Banks use biometrics to secure transactions in mobile applications, ATMs and call centers.
  • Immigration control. Government agencies use biometric software to identify travelers at airports and border crossings.
  • Law enforcement agencies. Police and security services use biometrics to identify and track criminals.
  • Access management in healthcare. Hospitals use biometrics to control medical staff's access to confidential systems and patient data.

Examples of large, world-famous implementations of biometric authentication include the following:

  • Aadhaar (India): the largest biometric identification system used to authenticate 1.2 billion citizens.
  • Iris ID (world class): leading provider of iris scanning technology for various industries.
  • Clear Airport PreCheck (USA): accelerated airport security checks using biometrics.
  • Visa biometric payment cards: experimental cards with fingerprint biometrics for transaction authorization.

The role of biometrics in VPN technologies

The combination of identification biometrics and VPN technologies creates an enhanced security and convenient data protection system, which is extremely important in modern conditions. Already today, some VPN services are trying to introduce biometric authentication as one of the factors in multi-factor authentication. This increases the security of any system by requiring those wishing to enter to present something they know (a text key or password) and something they have (biometric data).

Biometrics implemented in VPNs allow you to accurately track who exactly logged into the network and when. This is useful for auditing and access control, relevant in corporate environments where it is important to control and document user actions.

Private VPN server: adaptable to modern access solutions

Biometric identification can be successfully integrated to log into the network through a private VPN server, providing an additional layer of security and simplifying access. Also, biometric authentication ensures a secure connection no matter where you are. This is especially important when working on insecure networks such as public Wi-Fi.

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