New digital reality: a corporate network the size of the Internet

New digital reality: a corporate network the size of the Internet

When cloud technologies became an excellent alternative for businesses, the old on-site infrastructure known as the local area network has become obsolete. The cloud not only offers faster and more cost-effective scaling, but also greater flexibility. Static methods of connecting branches through central offices no longer meet the needs of a globally distributed, remote workforce. Management complexities are also increasing due to shadow IT and the proliferation of remote architectures. The pandemic has accelerated this process, making cloud models and SaaS (Software as a Service) applications an integral part of everyday work. When a company's applications and resources are in the cloud and accessible over the Internet, the Internet itself becomes the core corporate network. However, this also means that organizations lose full control over this network.

Challenges associated with the transition of corporate networks to the Internet

The transition from on-premises infrastructure to a cloud model gives organizations more flexibility, but it also introduces new challenges. When the Internet becomes the main corporate network, some difficulties arise:

  • Network instability. In the past, resolving network problems and increasing network capacity were often costly and complex processes, but were within the company's control. However, when the Internet plays the role of a corporate network, new problems arise. Network overload, infrastructure failures, incorrect VPN setup and other Internet security services, as well as other problems, can significantly reduce network performance, which can lead to a halt in operations. Without clear visibility into network capabilities, it becomes difficult to predict when and where slowdowns and outages might occur.
  • Security vulnerabilities. Traditional networking models, such as VPNs, provided encryption for traffic between endpoints, but also created challenges for employees. Moreover, in addition to slow performance, VPN connections have often been the target of attacks from external or internal threats. The Internet, in turn, is an unsecured collection of networks around the world, with no central authority controlling security policies. This means that organizations are individually responsible for security and need to use robust security solutions such as DDoS protection, network level firewalls, Zero Trust access services and others to protect their endpoints and data.
  • DNS failures. Internet infrastructure relies heavily on several key services, including DNS, which is responsible for connecting users to websites and services. DNS failures can significantly impact network performance and reliability. For example, the failure of the DNS provider Dyn after a series of DDoS attacks in 2016 led to several hours of Internet unavailability for millions of users. Even small DNS glitches can seriously impact business productivity.

Solutions to the problems of transitioning networks from the local to the global level

The solution to the above problems lies in the use of fundamentally new approaches and technologies:

  • Network as a Service (NaaS) — is a model for providing network services through cloud infrastructure as a service. Instead of organizations purchasing and maintaining their own network hardware and software, they lease access to network resources from a cloud service provider. Such services include VPN, routing, firewalls, load balancing and other network functions. This provides proxying over a distributed network with private routes that scale on demand. This approach improves operational efficiency.
  • Multi-factor security. The Zero Trust security model ensures that every user, device and request is constantly verified. This approach helps prevent external attacks and data leaks, providing protection at all levels.
  • Trusted DNS. A reliable DNS provider plays an important role in ensuring uninterrupted network access. It must provide not only high performance, but also an integrated approach to security, including multi-layered protection and global load balancing.

It can be summarized that a modern corporate network the size of the Internet must have the following characteristics:

  • Have a global network that covers a large number of cities in more than a hundred countries around the world.
  • Ensure the ability to reach absolutely all remote employees within 50 milliseconds.
  • Be connected to a sufficient number of service providers, cloud providers and corporate networks.
  • Provide an enterprise NaaS solution that replaces legacy WAN architecture with a wide area network.
  • Have integration with other services, including the fastest available DNS on the market.

Private VPN server: an effective element of the global corporate network

A private VPN server can become an effective part of a corporate network, the operation of which depends on the scale of the network and the requirements of the organization. In general, a private VPN server is designed to provide secure remote access to corporate resources for individual employees or small groups of employees. This solution is effective for small and medium-sized companies or for temporary use of a server during periods of transition to more modern and effective cyber protection technologies.

Buying a private VPN server and choosing the optimal service that suits your individual needs has now become easier thanks to the Private VPN server. Here you will find comprehensive information about the capabilities of private VPN servers, including detailed descriptions of offers, rental payment options, offer text and answers to frequently asked questions. Study and apply all aspects of choosing a VPN in accordance with the requests and needs of your business.

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