Free Russian VPN: is it really free?

Free Russian VPN: is it really free?

Since the Internet has become an integral part of our lives, all personal information that gets on the Internet – are of value to a number of companies. For those who know why and how to use this kind of information for their own material gain. And in 100% of cases, the size of this benefit is much more than the maintenance and maintenance of free Russian VPNs. We are talking about a person's personal data, his interests, online behavior, all kinds of information about work or health, etc.

Who needs a free Russian VPN: 2 points of view

Free Russian VPN is of interest to all Russian-speaking people who, for various reasons, are outside their country (in exile, on a business trip, who left for personal reasons) for various purposes: they want to keep abreast of events, work remotely, or keep in touch with relatives in this way . This is on the one hand.

On the other hand, the owners of remote servers through which all user traffic passes are interested in the operation of free Russian VPN servers from other countries. And here is the key point: the behavior on the network (visiting which resources, time spent on them, what targeted actions were performed and other information) of each identified user is also recorded in resources with free access. Often it is sold to third-party advertising and other organizations. It is this mechanism for obtaining benefits that is inherent in the operation of the free Russian VPN server, we will consider it in more detail below.

Anonymizers as a tool for free VPN with Russian IP

Anonymizer provides anonymity when accessing the Internet by forwarding network traffic through an intermediary (proxy server), whose IP-address is seen by the target websites. But the data sent and received by the user does not just pass through the proxy server, but also:

  • are processed: the IP-address is replaced in order to organize anonymity, hide the real location of the user;
  • are cached: saving web pages and other data is necessary to reduce network load and speed up the resource (when a user accesses the same resource repeatedly, it is much easier for the server to access its own cache than organize repeated access to a remote server);
  • filtered: to cut off connections to unwanted resources and block unauthorized content types;
  • stored: to optimize server performance. But any saved database that is of value can easily be sold (unless it is legally prohibited) or illegally seized if the server is not sufficiently protected from hacker attacks.

Anonymizers perform all sorts of manipulations with network data, which, with an insufficient level of legal and technical protection, can get into third-party organizations and be used against the will of the user for completely different purposes.

Is it possible to avoid the risk by using a free Russian VPN or is it better to pay

In general, a free Russian VPN can be quite a useful tool for bypassing simple blocks related to GEO, and to organize basic anonymity, security on the Internet.

For more serious purposes like remote work, doing business online, working with personal data, where it is extremely important to maintain complete data security, we recommend using private VPN. This is the only way to ensure the protection, safety and complete anonymity of the transmitted data.

Choose the most suitable for specific purposes and buy a personal VPN with Russian or other IP you can visit Private VPN server.

If you have any questions – answers to them can be found in the section FAQ or contact the manager at Telegram.

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